Thursday, October 07, 2004

Lost has me twisted up

been watching the show Lost on ABC religiously. It has me totally intrigued. It's filmed on the North Shore of Oahu where my dad lives. The writing on this show is excellent...I'm totally twisted up with it's mysterious plotline. I've got a few predictions about what the hell is going on on this island. First off, I think the monster is some kind of machine. It kind of sounds like the Subway car when it stops. The black lady from the Bronx said it sounded familiar. The monster may be a device intended to make the survivors work together and get along. The transmission from the French lady may indicate that the past survivors were unable to work together and therefore were killed by the creature. The kid Walt seems to be making things happen by thinking them like in the book Sphere. Also, I thought I heard the pregnant girl says there is no father...combine that with the old guy telling Walt that a miracle is happening makes me wonder if the innocence of children is somehow the best hope for their survival and that most of the adult survivors seem to have some kind of major baggage. Seems like the whole thing is some kind of test. Can't wait until next Wednesday.

Update (10/12/04): Episode 4 (Walkabout) was awesome as usual. The ending with John Locke really blew me away..quite moving, really. I'm positive now that the 'monster' is mechanical, judging by the metal-on-metal scraping sounds it creates. Could it be the creature is a plane (perhaps the other part of the plane that was ripped off) and the plane has now somehow become animated into a life form? My next prediction is that the source of the 16 year old transmission is eminating from the plane creature itself.