Friday, October 29, 2004

Interesting W Endorsements

The first comes from Reason (which is a pretty liberal publication). The writer is cringing at himself as her writes it but makes the clear choice of reason in the end.

Read the Endorsement -
With the Cretin, Not the Shyster
An endorsement from overseas
By Michael Young


Here it is: Speaking only for myself, I endorse George W. Bush, and just as soon as I can get out from under this rising mound of banana peels and rancid egg shells I'll explain why.

The reason can be distilled into three words: Middle Eastern democracy. Endorsing Bush is not an easy thing to do when the American president has overseen the steady corrosion in Iraq of the very qualities for which he is being promoted here. Alas, any defiant defense, in order to be credible, must lead in with an inventory of administration failures, gaffes, setbacks, howlers and contradictions.

But in the end one thing stands out: John Kerry is simply not interested in seriously advancing democracy in the region, and will enter the Iraqi fray looking, primarily, for the exits; Bush, in turn, for all his administration's backtracking on democracy, is more likely to keep fighting on for success in Iraq, if only to burnish his legacy. That means he will remain more focused on what Iraq can become if a pluralistic system is set up there: a liberal example for the Arab world and Iran.

Simplistic, you say? Perhaps. But it's Kerry's myriad subtleties on the Middle East that have convinced this single-issue endorser, who believes that a liberal future for the Middle East should be of overriding concern come Nov. 2—it's Kerry's subtleties that have convinced me that the man of countless plans is an unreconstructed shyster on the issue of democracy.

Another huge endorsement comes by way of the 9/11
Families for Stronger and Safer America
please click here to click here to read it and make sure to tell someone else about it.

Also, for a dose of much needed optimism for the future of the world, check out the Article Nanotechnology: Hell or Heaven also from Reason

As I write this, a brand new tape from Osama Bin Laden is about to be aired with new threats of Jihad against our homeland. Could we be about to get yet another Kerry endorsement?

Cracking the "Lost" Code

I've been pretty intriqued by the new abc series "Lost" lately and I think I may have finally nailed down the mystery of the plot. Here goes...

The survivors have all been chosen as the last people on earth. The island (or a few selected islands) is shielded from some global disaster (fate)'s an experiment..and the higher power conducting it has been trying to make it work but the experiment keeps failing (the French message) because the survivors are unable to cope with their fate.
This would explain the racial, white, Arab, Korean, etc.. because you would want a good sample of the human tribes for such an experiment. The higher power involved here may not be represented as obviously alien but in a more angelic/gaurdian-like form..most likely in our own image.
Jack may be the gay representative of humanity (he's not taking Kate’s ques at all and she aint chopped liver)
A force field might also explain the weird weather and the fact that time seems frozen on the island.

The significance of the black and white stones and the backgammon pieces represents the split between the hunker downer camp and the stay on the beach's a choice.. a reoccurring pattern in past attempts at the experiment...the beachers will die or kill each other. The hunker down camp all made the choice to get on the plane very deliberately while the beach people were on the plane reluctantly or by force. The stay on the beach camp cannot accept the fate that they are stranded and thusly would not accept the fate of being the last people on earth.

When Jack found the remains of the previous hunker down camp he hid the stones he he is aware of all this symblism on some level. An interesting thing I noticed is that the people that couldn’t let go/remained on the beach are all the criminal types of the survivors: Kate, Sawyer (who knows Kate from before the wreck & may be an accomplice in her crimes), Sayid (the Iraq republican guardsman), Walt (probably been in prison and never got to know his own son), etc..

Hurley (who always seems to have batteries for his walkman) is an alien observer monitoring the experiment..we never saw him on the plane..he's non-threatening..and was clearly observing everyone all through the last show.

This is a very fruitful's giving me a lot of ideas. Here is another - The dolls in the spring belonged to the children of "adam & eve". Where are the children now? They've been on the island a while...likely without other human contact and have probably become proficient at tapping into the power of the island (which may be a technology that amplifies the power of the human mind). Perhaps the children created the "monster" or robot thing to keep them company.

Time will tell if I'm on the mark or not.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Ideas That Limit Man's Being

I stumbled on this rather old column at Better and thought I'd repeat it here because I think it's a topic that really needs to be discussed, especially given the state of current events.

Here is an excerpt:
Imagine that you're a psychiatrist. A new patient comes to see you and says that he regularly talks to an invisible being who never responds, that he reads excerpts from one ancient book and that he believes wholeheartedly that its contents must be accepted implicitly, if not taken literally.

The patient goes on to say that that the world is only 6,000 years old and that dinosaurs never existed. He brazenly rejects modern science's observations and conclusions, and subscribes to the notion that after death he will live in eternal bliss in some alternate dimension. And throughout your meeting, he keeps handing you his book and urging you to join him, lest you end up after death in a far less desirable alternate dimension than him.

Read the Article - Ending Biblical Brainwashing

This argument seems to be aimed directly at Christians but it easily applies to any religion that lends itself to fundamentalism. I've found a lot of beauty and wisdom from many different religions from Christ to Krishna but it seems to me that once you ignore science and the incontrovertible reality of things it takes people to an unhealthy place, mentally.

While it is true that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, it should not be forgotten that the Founding Fathers were foremost men of science and reason and truly believed that the only way to know God was through the observation and study of the visible universe.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Support Terror: Vote Kerry

Mahathir Mohamad's Open Letter to American Muslims: Vote Kerry

Mahathir, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, thinks Jews secretly run the world, and that the United States should not interfere in the affairs of other countries. But that doesn't stop him from trying to interfere in the affairs of the United States. From IslamiCity, with thanks to L:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In the past four years, during the Presidency of George W. Bush, the Muslims and their countries have suffered oppression and humiliation as never before in the history of Islam. There is an obvious connection between the sufferings of the Muslims and the policies and thinking of Bush.

We cannot expect much change to the policies of the United States of America towards Islam and the Muslims under Democrats as under Republicans. But we have a duty to ensure that Bush will not be able to determine our fate for four more years....

Dear Brothers and Sisters. Vote Bush out of office. It is truly an ibadah that you perform.

Former Prime Minister of Malaysia,

Source: Jihad Watch

Update 10/22/04

The list of rogue leaders endorsing Kerry has grown to include Yassir Arafat, Kim Jong Il, and the Mullahs of Iran. Way to go, Herman Munster head!

Update 10/27/04

The Army of Ansar al-Sunnah hassent out a message congratulating Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s Tawhid and Jihad movement’s addition to the US State Department’s list of terrorist organizations, Ansar Al-Sunnah praise John Kerry for criticizing the President, imply that terrorism has struck fear into John Kerry’s heart, and that his election would signal that terrorism is working.

Special congratulations from the Ansar al-Sunnah Army to the Tawhid wal-Jihad Movement, on the occasion of its addition to the list of terrorists…..

Our congratulations should not be a surprise to anyone who understands the true nature of our Islamic religion, which is based on verses from the noble Quran and the words of the noble prophet. We are optimistic that this recent declaration by the evil Bush government (adding Zarqawi’s Tawhid and Jihad group to the list of terrorist organizations) will only bring us joy and happiness….

Praise be to Allah, it increased the joy in our hearts that John Kerry, the presidential candidate criticized the Bush governmentfor taking so long in making this declaration. The one who may be president of America [John Kerry] is already struck with terror by our brothers from the Tawheed wal-Jihad Movement [Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s group]. The repeated atacks that have targetted the evil Bush are now echoing on Kerry, even though he is not yet a president. This is what Allah means when he commands us to ‘terrorize your enemy and the enemy of Allah.”

View the document in PDF


Voices of Iraq (see this movie!!)

Forget the spin...this is Iraq reality.

Voices of Iraq

About the Film

Silenced for 24 years under Saddam's regime and denied attention by the international media, the people of Iraq are not well understood at this tumultuous time in their history.

Meet the people of Iraq as they struggle with years of turmoil and strive to build a civil society. Hear in their own words their feelings about Saddam Hussein, the multinational invasion of their country, the presence of American troops and their hopes for what may lie ahead for Iraq.

What values do Iraqis bring to the discussion of their future? What role will women play in a new Iraq? How will Islam influence government?

VOICES OF IRAQ offers a unique opportunity to hear the diverse perspective of Iraqis on issues at the forefront of a global debate over war, terror and the prospects for democratic reform - directly from the street. VOICES OF IRAQ is a ground-breaking documentary that does what no other film or news organization has done before.

The producers of VOICES OF IRAQ distributed over 150 DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERAS across the entire country to enable everyday people - mothers, children, teachers, sheiks and even insurgents - to document their lives and their hopes amidst the upheaval of a nation being born.

Beginning amidst the Falluja uprising in April, going through the marshlands in the South, the Kurdish communities in the North and ending in September of this year, thousands of ordinary Iraqis became filmmakers to reveal the richness, complexity and emotion of their lives.

VOICES OF IRAQ is an unprecedented film. This new documentary genre offers a unique window into what is happening in Iraq. VOICES OF IRAQ has allowed Iraqis to tell their own story.

Visit the official site for Voices of Iraq
Sign Up for Show Times and Locations

The All Inclusive Exploiter

Kerry is the all-inclusive exploiter. So far he has managed to exploit lesbians, blacks, soldiers, hostages, prisoners of war, civilians in war zones and cripples. Hmmm...that's some pretty impressive stuff there. A part of me wants Kerry to win just so I don't have to hear the Dems endlessly bitch for another four years. Give them the ball and see what they can do with it. Think you can't prevent the enemy from hacking peoples heads off with diplomacy and stuff?

They can't completely destroy the country in four years...right?...however, someone could do it for them while they're crunching on granola bars or rubbing elbows with big-Hollywood important types.

Lee wins Trick Shot Championship

With an 8-7 win at almost midnight Friday night at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville CT, Jeanette Lee is the new Ladies Trick Shot Champion

Lee started the event with an 8-4 win over Loree Jon Jones, and then watched as Ewa Laurance defeated Ming Ng 9-5 to set up the match in the finals. Then with Lee's new baby Cheyenne waiting with daddy up in the room, Lee pulled off the 8-7 win over Laurance in the finals. "We were supposed to have more time to prepare and try to learn the 150 shots that they were allowing in this event, but they called at the last minute and said that the event was moved up to August. We had three weeks to learn as much as we could." said Lee. "I worked with Mike Massey for five days learning the shots and he is really a great teacher. I never knew there were so many different strokes you could hit a ball with." "There were some shots that I was able to pull off without practicing them just from watching the other girls shoot them and paying attention to what Mike taught me"


I think I'm in love

Friday, October 15, 2004

Mars and Back in 90 Days

Wow..this is cool -

New propulsion concept could make 90-day Mars round trip possible

A new means of propelling spacecraft being developed at the University of Washington could dramatically cut the time needed for astronauts to travel to and from Mars and could make humans a permanent fixture in space.

Read Article | Source: Washington University

Stop Knocking Down My Bush yard sign you assholes

This had been a daily occurrence since I put my yard sign up. I guess liberal tolerance only applies to those who share their views. On a similar note, I head there is a memo going out to democratic loyalist all over the country urging them to contest all election poll results. If this memo is any thing more than a rumor, we can expect three things after the election:
1. The election will once again be decided by lawyers and judges
2. The stock market will tank again, just as it did in the last election.
3. More african americans will believe that there is a conspiracy to negate their votes, even when the facts have shown that predominately black-populated districts spoiled their own votes in the last presidential election because of inexperience, incomplete ballots, hanging chads and so on.
In any case, if Kerry where to win, wouldn't it be interesting to see how the left actually handles the dirty work of fighting the war on terror instead of just bitching about Aschcroft, Rumsfeld, the DHS, etc..

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Rise Above (A Black Flag Tribute)

Update on the Rise Above project. This a Black Flag Tribute Band. So far we have 4 songs from Damaged down (Rise Above, Spray Paint, Six Pack & Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie) after just two short practice sessions. Let me say that this turning out to be a lot of fun. I got a copy of the Damaged album when I was 10 years old and just went completely flag-crazy for the next few years. I've seen them live about 6 times...I hope we can generate half as much electricity as those shows did back in the day.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Lost has me twisted up

been watching the show Lost on ABC religiously. It has me totally intrigued. It's filmed on the North Shore of Oahu where my dad lives. The writing on this show is excellent...I'm totally twisted up with it's mysterious plotline. I've got a few predictions about what the hell is going on on this island. First off, I think the monster is some kind of machine. It kind of sounds like the Subway car when it stops. The black lady from the Bronx said it sounded familiar. The monster may be a device intended to make the survivors work together and get along. The transmission from the French lady may indicate that the past survivors were unable to work together and therefore were killed by the creature. The kid Walt seems to be making things happen by thinking them like in the book Sphere. Also, I thought I heard the pregnant girl says there is no father...combine that with the old guy telling Walt that a miracle is happening makes me wonder if the innocence of children is somehow the best hope for their survival and that most of the adult survivors seem to have some kind of major baggage. Seems like the whole thing is some kind of test. Can't wait until next Wednesday.

Update (10/12/04): Episode 4 (Walkabout) was awesome as usual. The ending with John Locke really blew me away..quite moving, really. I'm positive now that the 'monster' is mechanical, judging by the metal-on-metal scraping sounds it creates. Could it be the creature is a plane (perhaps the other part of the plane that was ripped off) and the plane has now somehow become animated into a life form? My next prediction is that the source of the 16 year old transmission is eminating from the plane creature itself.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

From the donkey's mouth

”Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Saddam Possessed WMD, Had Extensive Terror Ties

File this under the Duh! Category. Information from newly discovered Iraqi intelligence documents. From - Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans. They demonstrate that Saddam's government possessed mustard gas and anthrax, both considered weapons of mass destruction, in the summer of 2000, during the period in which United Nations weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. And the papers show that Iraq trained dozens of terrorists inside its borders. One of the Iraqi memos contains an order from Saddam for his intelligence service to support terrorist attacks against Americans in Somalia. The memo was written nine months before U.S. Army Rangers were ambushed in Mogadishu by forces loyal to a warlord with alleged ties to al Qaeda.

Other memos provide a list of terrorist groups with whom Iraq had relationships and considered available for terror operations against the United States.

Among the organizations mentioned are those affiliated with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Ayman al-Zawahiri, two of the world's most wanted terrorists. Zarqawi is believed responsible for the kidnapping and beheading of several American civilians in Iraq and claimed responsibility for a series of deadly bombings in Iraq Sept. 30. Al-Zawahiri is the top lieutenant of al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, allegedly helped plan the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist strikes on the U.S., and is believed to be the voice on an audio tape broadcast by Al-Jazeera television Oct. 1, calling for attacks on U.S. and British interests everywhere.

The source of the documents

A senior government official who is not a political appointee provided with copies of the 42 pages of Iraqi Intelligence Service documents. The originals, some of which were hand-written and others typed, are in Arabic. had the papers translated into English by two individuals separately and independent of each other.

Read Article