Friday, October 05, 2007

My "Down III: Over The Under" Review

The lyrics on this album are so personal and as a native son of New Orleans, they really cut deep. "I Scream" and "On March the Saints" are essentially Katrina survivor anthems. Songs that one can relate to on a personal level are always more endearing than songs about cars or sluts. For instance, think of the first time you heard "Institutionalized" by Suicidal Tendencies when half your friends were committed to rehab centers. It was as if they were making a song about you and your buddies. "Over the Under" takes this principle to another level for us. "We have been through change by the season of the storm"...and there's more to that line than a hurricane, brothers.

Nearly every song has an awesome cadenza that could have easily just faded out, repeating blissfully into infinity but was rather produced in a more live experience format that lends itself to the overall personal presence of the recording. The bass tone is remarkable for it's simultaneous way of standing out while blending in. And in an era where so many drum tracks are triggered, the natural sounding mix of Jimmy's tasty lines are really refreshing. Of all the leads from the Down projects, these are the most ripping, tasteful and feature better intonation than any previously recorded.

The chorus riff from "I Scream" could have been written by just about any N.O. underground musician I know. It just has that vibe that is naturally New Orleans Underground and thoroughly ass-kicking in a pride-filling, southern-sabbath way that just feels like home.
I'm pretty sure that the bridge or pre-chorus with the arpeggios was written by Kurt. It just feels like something he would have written, but, of course, when you have a collaboration like Down, a lot of musical personalities rubbed off. I consider Kurt to be a prolific riffer. The Iomi of New Orleans, if you will.

If I think "Never Try" is about what I think it is, it hits home pretty hard too.
I can think of a lot of old friends that I wish could have heard these lyrics back when and taken them to heart before so much damage was done. Theres a kind of progression here from "Learn from my Mistakes" in the following way...the former was basically saying "this is what it is and it fucking sucks" and "Never Try" comes from another of sobriety that says "don't even fucking go there". "Eyes cried dried.." brother, I know what that's like. This geezer, for one, is glad to have "Never Tried".

"Mourn" is clearly about the heart-breaking Pantera tragedy and deserves a lot of respect for it's honesty and emotional nakedness. Those who didn't know Darell probably won't relate to it on the same level as those who did but one can't help but feel Phil's pain in that tune.
Musically, the swooping bends of the verse guitar part and the pitch change of the bridge are really masterful.

Pain and loss is a recurring theme throughout the album..for instance, the chant of "...regret..." in "I Scream"and we aint talking about Brocato's here, folks. Over the Under is true emotional torture, alienation, loss and doubt manifested into honest, unpretentious, angst-filled sonic artwork.

It's been said that all great art comes from great pain, and this album is a perfect case in point.

Down III : Over the Under -
go and get it, turn it up, turn down the lights and listen and I promise you'll have a cathartic experience that will make you reflect, cry and uplift your spirit all at once.

Click here to order the CD

Download from iTunes (more profit for the artist, ya'll)

Preview tracks from the Down MySpace

Monday, October 01, 2007

"In order to create something, you must first destroy it" - John Lydon

My family's house is finally geing gutted so I'll soon be out of this high rent trap that I'm in. It gives my a lot of pride to know that my son will be the fifth generation to grow up in that home.

I lost a lot from the destruction to the house, including a lot of documentation of my family history that was in there, but I can at least start again and won't have to live paycheck to paycheck as I've been. I've started to redesign myspace sites for bands and so far, it's been pretty fulfilling. I've modified my own (The Elder Myspce) to be more of an advertisement for that service. At my day job, I'm usually relegated to production because I'm so good and so fast at it. It can be tiring because there's very little opportunity for me to flex my creative muscles but hey I can write HTML and CSS faster than I can write English so I guess that's what I get pigeon-hold with.

While taking my son for a the other morning I came across a house that had a make-shift Katrina memorial in the front yard. On it there was a sign that read "The only certainty in life is change" and I guess that about sums it up.

I speak for most people in this city when I say that hopefully, sometimes soon, there will be a period of time with some level of permanance.